A world-class manufacturer providing value to the self-serve and vended industries
AMERICAN CHANGER, Rowe, Triad & Hoffman Mint

Hoffman Mint Tokens
Hoffman Mint® is a designer and leading manufacturer of high quality tokens. Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A, we work with a variety of applications around the world. Operators can choose to use a stock design for one side or both sides for their tokens, or our in-house artists can assist you. Contact our team today by clicking on the link below.
Upcoming Shows 2025
- Amusement Expo
- International Car Wash Show
- Clean Show
We are thrilled to participate in many trade shows throughout the year! We look forward to showing off our latest and greatest products, while connecting with old and new friends. We hope to see you at one of the above shows!
Rowe & Triad
In 2019, American Changer Corp. completed two Purchase Asset Agreements with both Rowe Bill Changers, LLC and Triad Design Group Incorporated. The acquisition united three of the most reputable brands of money changers in the world – American Changer®, Rowe®, and Triad® – and reinforced American Changer’s vision to remain at the forefront of ingenuity. We are proud to continue on the legacy of two such distinguished brands while Changing the Industry℠.